The Economist’s DIA Blog has a fun takedown of Senator Paul’s plan. They’re not complimentary:

Mr Paul’s bill is a juvenile, irresponsible stunt. For most of his proposed cuts, he hasn’t put in the minimal work necessary to make any rational decisions about what programmes should be cut, and what shouldn’t; he hand-waves towards “pro rata cuts” without thinking through what that means. Those of his cuts which are specific betray a callow, politically-minded populist anti-intellectualism. Rabble-rousing calls to eliminate “international commissions” may play well to Glen Beck’s audience, but senators are expected to have some grasp of what it is that the government they are running actually does. Mr Paul has been elected to the United States Senate; it’s time for him to grow up.

My friend the Professor has blogged a bit on this subject. While he doesn’t endorse the speed of the plan, the Professor says he’s “be OK with making a vision like Paul’s an eventual target.” All I can say to that is – Yikes!