Paul Ryan’s Budget
Always nice to find someone who wants to point out the inconsistencies (or lies) included in Ryan's budget. Here's the Economist's DIA blog using the L word, in a piece [...]
Always nice to find someone who wants to point out the inconsistencies (or lies) included in Ryan's budget. Here's the Economist's DIA blog using the L word, in a piece [...]
From Kevin Drum: So explain to me: what's courageous about a Republican congressman proposing spending cuts for the poor, entitlement cuts only in the far future, tax cuts for the [...]
From Paul Krugman: Except briefly during the Korean War, the United States has never achieved unemployment as low as Ryan and co. are claiming. The Fed believes that the lowest [...]
That we need to increase it over the next 10 years before we can start bringing it down by eliminating Medicare. And this is called a Serious and Courageous plan? [...]
(If you don't believe me, just look how plainly it's stated in the first line of this piece from the Economist's DIA blog: "PAUL RYAN'S plan to replace Medicare with [...]
Kevin Drum highlights the McComish case which was argued before the Supreme Court today. He cites Paul Waldman, highlighting the main issue for me: What is the "right" at issue [...]
From The Economist's DIA blog:"Now Mr Gingrich has added to this string of embarrassments with an acrobatic flip-flop on America’s involvement in Libya. Barely three weeks ago he told Fox [...]
The guy who's future political career depends on bringing President Obama down a couple of notches..."This is about as badly run as any foreign operation in our lifetime... This is [...]
From Matthew Yglesias. His point is that the deficit can only be tackled with a combination of spending cuts and tax increases. But, as he points out - "Republicans simply [...]
Although I'm a few days late on this one. From Kevin Drum:Modern conservatives have a few simple guiding principles. Keep taxes on rich people low. Let corporations do whatever they [...]