Maddog Esquire

Support for the President

2021-01-19T20:49:26+00:00March 15, 2011|Maddog Esquire|

I'm probably one of the biggest supporters of the President that you'll run across, especially considering the fact that I'm in the military surrounded by a lot of pretty conservative [...]

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Bradley Manning

2021-01-19T20:49:26+00:00March 15, 2011|Maddog Esquire|

I've been seeing a lot from folks up in arms over the treatment of Bradley Manning. Here's a piece by Kevin Drum and here's one from the Economist's DIA blog. [...]

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Good Point

2021-01-19T20:49:26+00:00March 14, 2011|Maddog Esquire|

Matthew Yglesias makes a good point. Conservative ideology includes the bedrock principle that "public sector undertaking is necessarily going to end up as poorly run as the worst DMV line [...]

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2021-01-19T20:49:26+00:00March 9, 2011|Maddog Esquire|

We're getting close to the deadline for shutting down the government, so I better make this fast. Wait a minute, no need to hurry. I'm in the military, so I'm [...]

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Quote of the Day

2021-01-19T20:49:26+00:00March 8, 2011|Maddog Esquire|

From Paul Krugman.Democrats aren’t fiscal saints. But we have one party that has been generally responsible, and tries to pay for what it wants, and another party that consistently, deliberately, [...]

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What the People Want

2021-01-19T20:49:27+00:00March 3, 2011|Maddog Esquire|

The title is from a post by Kevin Drum. He points out,"Out in real America, people want to tax the rich, cut stupid weaponsprograms, and stop subsidizing prosperous oil companies. [...]

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Air Force Reduction in Force

2021-01-19T20:49:27+00:00March 3, 2011|Maddog Esquire|

Interesting goings-on in the Air Force of late. Since the economy has been so bad the last couple of years, the natural attrition of Airmen (officers and enlisted) has slowed [...]

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