Maybe we should have a Republican President
'Cause then the Republicans wouldn't be pretending they're worried about spending in general when what they really care about is spending on issues Democrats care about. Then maybe they'd actually [...]
'Cause then the Republicans wouldn't be pretending they're worried about spending in general when what they really care about is spending on issues Democrats care about. Then maybe they'd actually [...]
I'm probably one of the biggest supporters of the President that you'll run across, especially considering the fact that I'm in the military surrounded by a lot of pretty conservative [...]
I've been seeing a lot from folks up in arms over the treatment of Bradley Manning. Here's a piece by Kevin Drum and here's one from the Economist's DIA blog. [...]
Matthew Yglesias makes a good point. Conservative ideology includes the bedrock principle that "public sector undertaking is necessarily going to end up as poorly run as the worst DMV line [...]
In the context of the world that Republicans live, I get why they might be against eliminating tax subsidies for oil companies. Eliminate them and oil companies will pay more [...]
We're getting close to the deadline for shutting down the government, so I better make this fast. Wait a minute, no need to hurry. I'm in the military, so I'm [...]
From Paul Krugman.Democrats aren’t fiscal saints. But we have one party that has been generally responsible, and tries to pay for what it wants, and another party that consistently, deliberately, [...]
From TPM - Gov. Scott Walker's job disapproval rating up to 57 percent.
The title is from a post by Kevin Drum. He points out,"Out in real America, people want to tax the rich, cut stupid weaponsprograms, and stop subsidizing prosperous oil companies. [...]
Interesting goings-on in the Air Force of late. Since the economy has been so bad the last couple of years, the natural attrition of Airmen (officers and enlisted) has slowed [...]