Statutory v. Effective Tax Rates
Here's an interesting article touching on the subject of corporate tax reform. While it correctly notes that this is an area where Left and Right might find common ground, it [...]
Here's an interesting article touching on the subject of corporate tax reform. While it correctly notes that this is an area where Left and Right might find common ground, it [...]
No, smart on crime. Or as they say, Right on Crime. I'm going to take some time to delve into this, but liberals might be able to make common cause [...]
I had a long back and forth with a conservative friend on FB yesterday. For once this was not with the Professor. On a related note, I think I need [...]
Interesting note from Tom Ricks about how "so many eligible Air Force colonels were declining to be considered for command that the Air Force chief, Norton Schwartz, issued a letter [...]
The weather really wasn't that bad here in the DC area, but my son's school ended up on a two hour delay this morning. Since the wife couldn't afford to [...]
Why am I talking about a denial of certiorari for a case to the Supreme Court? Because of two things. First, the denial yesterday of Alderman v. U.S. included a [...]
I've recently come across a pretty cool blog. It's called Law and the Multiverse. These guys take a look at legal issues in the context of superheroes, supervillains and other [...]
Westboro is evidently going to try and picket the funeral of the little girl killed in Tuscon. And the State of Arizona looks like it's going to try and pass [...]
My best friend and only reader tipped me off to an article in the NYT about the sad state of law students who have a ton of debt and how [...]
As you may know, I've recently returned from a deployment to Iraq. Before I left for my deployment, I was informed that I would be reassigned to a different job [...]