Maddog Esquire

The Real John McCain

2021-01-19T20:49:38+00:00June 1, 2008|Maddog Esquire|

John McCain...on the minimum wageJohn McCain...on housing policy and links to lobbyistsJohn McCain...on Social SecurityJohn McCain...on NAFTAJohn McCain...on 100 years in IraqJohn McCain...on the new GI BillJohn McCain...on SCHIPJohn McCain...on [...]

Sentencing Reforms

2021-01-19T20:49:38+00:00February 10, 2008|Maddog Esquire|

As I make my way through the blogosphere and try to whittle down the numerous areas and topics that I keep track of on a regular basis, one of the [...]

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President touts benefits for troops in SOTU address – doesn’t include funding for the benefit in his proposed budget

2021-01-19T20:49:39+00:00February 10, 2008|Maddog Esquire|

A Washington Post story has the scoop on how Bush could try and score political points in his State of the Union address by advocating "supporting the troops" in his [...]

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The Surge has failed

2021-01-19T20:49:39+00:00February 9, 2008|Maddog Esquire|

I agree with Sen Levin, who said "that the U.S. troop buildup in Iraq has failed because it hasn't achieved its primary goal of sparking political reconciliation among that country's [...]

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The Bush Economic Record

2021-01-19T20:49:39+00:00February 9, 2008|Maddog Esquire|

I liked how Carpetbagger broke down the Bush Economic Record, as compared to the President's pronouncement at the CPAC Conference.Here's an example:* “[I]increased revenues from that growth have put us [...]

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