Another AF JAG into private practice
I don't know her - the article says she was in for 10 years, but maybe some of that was guard/reserve. But I have to say I'm glad she's made [...]
I don't know her - the article says she was in for 10 years, but maybe some of that was guard/reserve. But I have to say I'm glad she's made [...]
So a couple of thoughts on the nature of the threat that we as Americans face from...what do we call them? radical islamists...islamic fundamentalists...terrorists of the islamic global supremacy (TIGS)?I [...]
A few links here. It appears that our Deputy Judge Advocate General or DJAG is writing an article on the use of airpower in Counter-insurgency operations. Looks pretty straight forward [...]
It's in the very conservative 4th Circuit. They overturned a felony conviction. Great story for this blog--it's got a pro-defense outcome and a JAG angle! Go read the story here.
A good friend of mine (who also happens to be a flaming conservative) sent me a link to this article by Jonah Goldberg from National Review. He and I disagree [...]
It's from JAG Hunter, but he seems to be generally against the UCMJ. His discussion of attainder just confuses me, but that might also be because I don't know the [...]
Here's a link where you can read Lt. Gen. James Mattis' statement on his decision to drop all charges against Capt. Randy Stone in the Haditha murder case. "It is [...]
Here's a story about an Army JAG. Says he's a big supporter of the war, but it's a nice story anyway.
Now that CDR Swift is off in civilian practice, they needed to appoint another JAG as his military counsel. Swift will still lead the defense team in his civilian capacity.
...doesn't make me like the move here. I'm pretty much against any judicial nominee now on principle.