Maddog Esquire

Monday Thought

2021-01-19T20:49:30+00:00February 7, 2011|Maddog Esquire|

If businesses can be considered people or citizens for purposes of allowing them to donate money in politics, shouldn't they also have the same civic responsibilities that people or citizens [...]

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A Sad Story

2021-01-19T20:49:31+00:00February 2, 2011|Maddog Esquire|

You may have seen the blog Wade's World, written by the widow of a young Marine killed in Afghanistan. If you haven't seen it, check it out. It's a sad [...]

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In Praise of Paul Krugman

2021-01-19T20:49:31+00:00January 27, 2011|Maddog Esquire|

Here's the Economist's DIA Blog noting how Paul Krugman got it right in his criticism of Paul Ryan's response to the SOTU. Krugman's take is to point out how Paul [...]

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Rule of Law

2021-01-19T20:49:31+00:00January 25, 2011|Maddog Esquire|

The Professor sent me an article for my perusal from one of his favorite blogs. The article's titled The Rule of Law. It's not an informational article as much as [...]

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Global Warming Stuff

2021-01-19T20:49:31+00:00January 25, 2011|Maddog Esquire|

Seeing the "Liberal" in the blog's title, it won't be a surprise to hear that I'm on the side of the political divide that worries about global warming (or global [...]

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