EPA Decides to Limit Rocket Fuel in Drinking Water–Guess Who Objects?
The above is the title of an article at the Atlantic. Definitely an example of the government doing too darn much. The invisible hand would eventually make sure that the [...]
The above is the title of an article at the Atlantic. Definitely an example of the government doing too darn much. The invisible hand would eventually make sure that the [...]
If businesses can be considered people or citizens for purposes of allowing them to donate money in politics, shouldn't they also have the same civic responsibilities that people or citizens [...]
...are doomed to repeat it. Or maybe the right idiom is the one about things coming full circle. My current band is currently working on adding a song I did [...]
You may have seen the blog Wade's World, written by the widow of a young Marine killed in Afghanistan. If you haven't seen it, check it out. It's a sad [...]
Even though I'm a lawyer, I probably look at the opinion from Florida federal district court judge Roger Vinson more in political terms than in legal terms. I haven't gone [...]
The Economist's DIA Blog has a fun takedown of Senator Paul's plan. They're not complimentary:Mr Paul's bill is a juvenile, irresponsible stunt. For most of his proposed cuts, he hasn't [...]
Every morning when I drive on to base, I am greeted by a military member who checks my ID. Here's what he or she is required to say to the [...]
Here's the Economist's DIA Blog noting how Paul Krugman got it right in his criticism of Paul Ryan's response to the SOTU. Krugman's take is to point out how Paul [...]
The Professor sent me an article for my perusal from one of his favorite blogs. The article's titled The Rule of Law. It's not an informational article as much as [...]
Seeing the "Liberal" in the blog's title, it won't be a surprise to hear that I'm on the side of the political divide that worries about global warming (or global [...]